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you are here: Moneycontrol Portfolio

It’s all coming together
in your new portfolio!

If you are new to investment, first you will need to open a trading account with a broker.Open a Trading Account »

See how it works

Life is good when you’re on top of your finances. At moneycontrol, we help you manage it all in one place, effortlessly.

  • New Features

  • Hassle Free

  • Secure

Get access to everything important about your investments in a single place

Research from top brokerage
houses in the country

Research from top brokerage
houses in the country

Recommendation from experts like Sudarshan Sukhani, C K Narayana, Prakash Gaba

Alerts on
your stocks

Corporate action updates on your stocks & mutual funds

Analysis on your

Profit/Loss, Capital Gain, Performance, Cash flow, Tax and other Reports

Filtered news
for your stocks

Always stay updated with your portfolio

All your scheduled transactions are automatically updated

  • Stocks

    • Bonus
    • Splits
    • Dividend
    • Tax
  • Mutual

    • SIP
    • STP
    • SWP
    • Dividend
  • ULIP

    • Premium
    • Reminders
    • Tax Benefits
  • Fixed

    • Recurring Transaction
    • Tax
    • Reminders
  • Loan

    • EMI
    • Reminders

Seamless & secure experience across any device

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Tablet
  • Watch

Track prices of your stocks in the watchlist with price refresh every 30 seconds

  • Upload PDF contract notes within seconds

  • Upload Excel and Input Transactions

  • Quick Manual Entry

Multiple options to upload your transactions with our new Portfolio

Trusted by millions of users. Expertise of more than 15 years…

4350 K
10900 T
5406 K
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Advisory Alert: It has come to our attention that certain individuals are representing themselves as affiliates of Moneycontrol and soliciting funds on the false promise of assured returns on their investments. We wish to reiterate that Moneycontrol does not solicit funds from investors and neither does it promise any assured returns. In case you are approached by anyone making such claims, please write to us at or call on 02268882347